23 Goals

Hi there!

Each year on my birthday I set myself a series of challenges to complete by that time the following year. I turned 23 in August so compiled 23 goals to achieve by August 2020. After a few years of doing this (some years more successful than others!), I thought it would be nice to have a space where I can document the completion of each challenge as the year goes on; that way I'm also a bit more accountable for going out and getting them done!

I'll update with a new post each time I complete a challenge, as well as provide a few updates (book reviews, film recommendations, etc.) over the course of the year.

The Challenges:

1. Live (mostly) zero waste for a month.
Like everyone I've been taking small steps to reduce my carbon footprint where I can, so I'd like to take that further this year and make a more conscious effort to limit my waste for a month in the hope that it will build better habits for a more sustainable lifestyle.
2. Run a half marathon.
When I turned 22 I took up running, and it's been a great challenge that I have really enjoyed pushing myself with! Injury prevented me from training for a half last year so I'm determined to see it through in 2020!
3. Run 5k in under 25 minutes.
Currently I can manage 5k in just over half an hour so I'm keen to see some progress over time.
4. Climb a 6B.
Last year I also started rock climbing and love it as another way to keep active. I'm not the most confident or consistent but I'd like to be able to conquer a 6B marked route this year.
5. Climb 5 Munros.
In May I managed my first Munro with Ben Lomond, now I want to see even more of Scotland's beautiful landscape from that height!
6. Read 50 books.
Since finishing university I've found myself with a lot more free time to enjoy leisure reading. This is one challenge I've been quite active with already, so I'll be sharing some book recommendations soon!
7. Read a Walter Scott novel.
I've worked at the home of Scotland's literary legend for three years and have yet to pick up one of his novels so it's time that changed!
8. Watch 10 'must-see' films.
Friends and family have been astounded at my limited film repertoire, so this year I'm following Empire's 100 Films list and watching 10 that I haven't seen.
9. Eat at a Michelin star restaurant.
It's nice to treat yourself during these challenges too!
10. Get a tattoo.
I've been toying with the idea of a small tattoo for a few years now so let's make it happen!
11. Visit a country I've never been to before.
Currently thinking Norway or Denmark!
12. Pay for a stranger's coffee.
It's nice to be nice and make someone else's day a bit brighter!
13. Travel somewhere alone.
I'd consider myself pretty independent in many respects, but I've never really been keen to go on holiday by myself - I just think it's nice to share the experience with someone! But I'm all for new adventures and the importance of feeling comfortable in your own company, so it seems like something everyone should do at some point. Which might coincide nicely with the next challenge...
14. Visit Arran.
The west coast of Scotland is somewhere I would really like to spend more time, and I have plenty of islands I'd love to tick off my bucket list! Arran has appealed for a while now, and I think a weekend there might be an ideal place to explore on my own.
15. Save all £2 coins and spend them on a worthy cause.
I've done similar money-saving challenges in previous years but never really put the extra money to good use, so this year I'd like to do something more substantial like donating to charity or buying supplies for a cause that means a lot to me.
16. Take a pottery class.
Anyone who knows me will attest that I love crockery, and I would love the opportunity to create and decorate my own too!
17. Go makeup-free for a week.
I don't wear much makeup these days but it would be nice to take a week to let my skin breathe and feel more confident with a bare face in public.
18. See the Northern Lights.
It's on everyone's bucket list, right?
19. Learn basic sign language.
If I can master the alphabet and some key conversational signs, I'll be happy!
20. Stay offline after 8pm when at home.
I find myself aimlessly scrolling on my phone so much these days and I'd really like to change that and be more productive with my time. It also frees up more time for the reading challenge!
21. Take part in a beach/city clean up.
Along the same vein of being more ethically-minded, this seems like an opportune way to contribute to a wider environmental effort.
22. Journal every day for a month.
A friend suggested this one as an opportunity for self reflection and gratitude that really appeals to me.
23. Start driving lessons.
Since I turned 17 I've put off driving lessons for various reasons, so it's time to finally commit to it!

So here we go!

Chloe x
